Selling your house to a property buying company is now one of the most popular options to get a quick property sale. Here we’ll reveal 14 tricks of the trade and explain just how property buying companies can help you sell your house fast …. sometimes in as little as 7 days.

Secret No.1: There’s no need to get your property ready for sale when you sell it to a property buying company. You don’t need to decorate it or do repairs. You don’t need to tidy up or – as the TV property gurus tell you – to declutter. That saves not only time but money too.

Time saved: Perhaps 3-4 weeks.

Secret No.2: You cut out the long-winded marketing process that selling through an estate agent can involve. There’s no waiting for photos to be taken, descriptions to be written, listings to be uploaded or for the agent to send out details to potential buyers.

Time saved: Around 1 week.

Secret No.3: You don’t need to spend time on viewings when you sell direct to a property buying company. You don’t have to wait weeks while everyone who wants to gets to poke around your house.

Time saved: Easily 2-3 weeks.

Secret No.4: There are no timewasters when you sell to a house buying company. They’re professional house buyers. They actually want to buy your house and get a quick property sale.

Time saved: Many weeks.

Secret No.5: You can get a fast decision when you sell to a property buying company – often in hours. Unlike with a conventional sale the buyer doesn’t need to check with their spouse, their partner, or ask the bank of mum and dad.

Time saved: Perhaps 1 week.

Secret No.6: There are no long, drawn out negotiations when you sell to a property buying company. The buyer will offer you their best price. You just decide whether to accept it or not. There’s no haggling over whether you’re leaving the carpets, the curtains or are willing to throw in the fridge freezer.

Time saved: At least 1 week.

Secret No.7: There’s no waiting for your buyer to sell their own house so they can buy yours. Even then, their sale could fall through so yours might too.

Time saved: Potentially 2-3 months or more.

Secret No.8: You don’t have to wait for your buyer to get a mortgage when you sell to a house buying company. And there’s no mortgage offer to expire either. They usually buy with cash, which is always the best option to get a quick property sale.

Time saved: Around 3-4 weeks easily.

Secret No.9: There’s no quibbling over minor faults when selling to a property buying company. Like that broken kitchen draw or squeaky stair. Property buying companies will offer you a firm price warts-and-all.

Time saved: Several days.

Secret No.10: There’s no gazumping or gazundering when you sell this way. That is, where a buyer drops their price drastically at the last minute. Good property buying companies will offer you their best price and stick to it.

Time saved: Possibly months.

Secret No.11: There’s no buyer’s remorse when you sell to a professional property buyer. That is, buyers who agree a sale and then later decide they don’t want to buy …. or find they can’t afford it.

Time saved: Possibly months.

Secret No.12: When you sell to a property buying company you won’t have to spend many months (or even up to a year) evicting tenants …. if you’re selling a buy to let. Property buying companies can help landlords sell your buy to let fast by buying with tenants in situ.

Time saved: 2-12 months.

Secret No.13: You avoid getting stuck in a chain when you sell to a house buying company. When you get stuck in a chain someone else’s house sale falling through can mean your sale falls through too.

If you’re already involved in a broken chain then a property buying company may be able to fix it.

Time saved: Many months.

Secret No.14: Conveyancing is usually so much faster when selling to a property buying company. Buying companies have access to lawyers who know the importance of selling a house fast.

Time saved: Several weeks.

Exactly how do property buying companies do it so quickly?

By saving a small amount of time at every stage property buying companies save many, many months overall. That’s exactly why these professional house buyers make selling a house fast in as little as 1 week compared to a normal sale which can take anything between 17 and 34 weeks (Latest Zoopla estimate).

At the end of the day, the main way that property buying companies make selling a house fast is that they help cut the long and tedious traditional house selling process. By simplifying the whole process at every stage they save headaches, save hassle and save fall-throughs and ultimately time.

Originally written by Mark Hempshell for Open Property Group.
