Property market | Property Insider by Mark Hempshell >>> Property News, Ideas, Strategies, Tips. For Property Investors & Property Professionals Wed, 23 Nov 2022 14:48:33 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Property market | Property Insider 32 32 This Crazy Property Market, How Long Will It Last ? Fri, 09 Sep 2022 10:25:00 +0000 Everyone in property, whether professionals or house buyers alike, likes to try and predict the property market. At the moment, most of them would agree that the market has been little short of crazy. With record interest, record sales and record prices in many cases. So now might be a very good time to ask […]

The post This Crazy Property Market, How Long Will It Last ? first appeared on Property Insider.

Everyone in property, whether professionals or house buyers alike, likes to try and predict the property market. At the moment, most of them would agree that the market has been little short of crazy. With record interest, record sales and record prices in many cases. So now might be a very good time to ask how long will this crazy property market last?

As long as demand exceeds supply?

The demand versus supply balance has been a major factor in the housing market over the last few decades. Overall there simply aren’t enough houses to accommodate all the people who want or need one.

In recent years demand has been little less than insatiable. More recently new housebuilding supply has also been considerable. How long both of them will last is very difficult to quantify.

As long as it is cheap to borrow money?

Interest rates have been low for over a decade. They have now reached their lowest ever and are on their way up. Even in the face of high property prices it is still cheaper than ever (almost) to borrow the money to buy however. But anyone can see that borrowing money will only be more expensive over the longer term.

As long as it’s easy to borrow money?

Low interest rates alone don’t dictate whether people can or will borrow money. The ease of doing it, the willingness of lenders to lend and the prudence they practice in doing it are other considerations.

There are several factors to bear in mind here. These include the availability of high LTV mortgages. Many buyers and especially first time buyers rely on these.

Also something that shouldn’t be forgotten is buying incentive schemes such as Help to Buy, now coming to an end.

Stamp Duty in the future

Most people will agree that the Stamp Duty holiday had a lot to do with the crazy market. But, oddly, the crazy market continued even after the Stamp Duty holiday ended.

Medium term there could be permanent reform to Stamp Duty which could impact the market too.

As long as financial support lasts?

In the face of the dire economic consequences of Covid the financial stimulus from the Government kept the property market and the economy moving. The impact that support with energy bills might have on the market shouldn’t be underestimated. It might keep the market going when otherwise it would have hit a dead end.

As long as the spring and summer lasts?

This is often overlooked including by many experts. But it’s a factor that shouldn’t be forgotten. Property markets are traditionally busy when the weather is fair. And traditionally busy in spring and summer so families with children can get moved in before the new school year in September.

As long as market sentiment stays positive?

Very important is buyers’ sentiment regarding the future of the property market. If people feel that prices will continue to rise they are more likely to buy. If people feel that prices will fall they are probably less likely to buy. Or at least less likely to make strong offers.

It’s important to remember that buying a property isn’t always about numbers however. It depends on personal needs and tastes and sometimes even whims. People buy a home and that isn’t always based on rational things. Whether there is positive or negative sentiment has much to do with whether people want or need to move or not. And whether people decide to buy a house.

Probably the most important thing to bear in mind when asking how long this crazy property market will last is that there is not just one factor at play. But a whole host of different factors all working in combination with each other.

If you have any opinions on how long this crazy property market is likely to last feel free to post a comment, or email us with your thoughts. We’d be very glad for you to share your thoughts on the property market with our readers.


The post This Crazy Property Market, How Long Will It Last ? first appeared on Property Insider.

11 Things That Are Wrong With The Housing Market. Discuss! Tue, 30 Oct 2018 20:37:44 +0000 We’re often told that the housing market is broken. But exactly HOW is it broken? Here at Property Insider we thought we’d offer our own thoughts on what’s wrong with the UK housing market right now: * Interest rates have been dropped so low, to prop up the economy. It’s created a false boom in […]

The post 11 Things That Are Wrong With The Housing Market. Discuss! first appeared on Property Insider.

We’re often told that the housing market is broken. But exactly HOW is it broken? Here at Property Insider we thought we’d offer our own thoughts on what’s wrong with the UK housing market right now:

* Interest rates have been dropped so low, to prop up the economy. It’s created a false boom in the housing market that doesn’t really exist.

* Developers are mostly only building the houses that they can sell easily and make the most money on – normally 3-4 bed ‘executive’ type homes in good locations. What about the rest of the market?

* There’s a huge demand for affordable housing …. but no one can afford to build affordable housing. Affordable housing is the ultimate oxymoron.

* Mortgage lending policy is a bit of a mess. Is there even a policy? Lenders have been either throwing money at borrowers willy-nilly, or sitting tight on it. The less you need to borrow for a house the more you can have, and vice versa.

* The balance between incomes and house prices is all wrong. And it’s only going in one direction …. the opposite direction.

* First time buyers are the very definition of the term ‘property ladder’. They’ve have underpinned the housing market since the 1960s. Today, not enough first time buyers can afford to buy.

That’s assuming, of course, they actually DO want to buy, which shouldn’t be taken as a given.

* Property has been promoted as an investment, but not enough extra ‘product’ has been added into the market to cater for both investment buyers and home buyers to co-exist.

* Everybody wants to live in a nice area. But the people who already live in nice areas don’t want anybody else to live there.

* Everybody wants to live in a nice area. But nice areas are unaffordable, partly by virtue of the demand. Nobody wants to live in a cheap, affordable area because they’re perceived as not so nice.

* The costs of building a house are huge, partly due to antiquated construction practices. Cars aren’t built the same way they were 50 years ago, so why are houses?

* There hasn’t been a coherent housing policy for years, and years …. and years. Governments have never done anything about it because they know it doesn’t win votes.

Booming house prices and cheap finance on the other hand DO win votes.

Here at Property Insider we think these problems offer some food for thought and maybe contribute towards finding a solution. But we don’t claim to have all the answers. So feel free to drop up an email at and let us know what you think. Are we right or wrong? What else is wrong with the housing market right now?


The post 11 Things That Are Wrong With The Housing Market. Discuss! first appeared on Property Insider.
