
Portico’s property experts have picked 10 London property hotspots for now until 2021. They’ve highlighted the signs that show the area is on the up, and calculated the highest potential rental yield in each area.

Next on their tip list (but in no particular order) is Woolwich:

Average 2 bedroom house price in Woolwich*: £450,000

Average 2 bedroom rental price in Woolwich*: £1,450 pcm

Highest potential rental yield in Woolwich using the Portico Rental Yield Map*: 3.8%

Killer reason to invest here:

“The historic site of the Woolwich Arsenal barracks are already undergoing significant development, but the area has been unable to be truly elevated due to the lack of good transport links. When Crossrail opens in Woolwich in December 2018 it will give the area the boost it has been waiting for, offering easy access into Canary Wharf and the City.

“In the next 18 months we’re likely to see a huge number of amenities move into the area, and with Greenwich on the doorstep, the area is going to become extremely desirable to first-time buyers and families.”  Mark Lawrinson, Regional Director, Portico.

Guest post provided by Portico.

Disclaimers: Rental yields quoted here are statistical assessments taken from the Interactive Yield Map on 28/06/17. They are not guaranteed and may be lower if the property does not achieve continuous occupancy. House prices and rental prices according to Rightmove and Portico market data, accurate as of 28/06/17.

Those considering investing in the London property market should remember that house prices do not only go up, they also can fall. There is no guarantee that Portico’s property experts will be right in their hotspot predictions.
