Top ten property investment spots

At Property Insider we research the property markets in hundreds of property investment locations every year …. and we’re often asked where we would invest our own money in property. So here, collected together all in one place for the first time ever, is our definitive list of the top ten places in the UK (in no particular order) where we think you ought to consider investing in property right now:

Exeter.  Exeter is one of the country’s smaller cities but there’s every indication that it won’t stay small into the future. Exeter is very much a growth point and there are big plans to expand the economy and the housing market, some of which are already underway.

Bristol. In all fairness Bristol feels like a city that ought to be bigger and more prosperous than it actually is. However, as it’s very much the economic capital of the south west – and to some extent South Wales too – it would be hard to see how you could lose with a carefully researched investment here.

Oxford. A very desirable location for living, working, studying and for business too. It’s already ‘silly expensive’ in many ways but capital values and rents are only going in one direction in Oxford. A very safe place to put your money, and still a lot cheaper than London.

If you’d like to know more you might find this Insider article useful: Oxford Property Market.

Cambridge. Just like Oxford. Cambridge is already super-desirable as a place to live. It is the UK’s capital for high tech. industries such as software, research and development, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology – 21st century industries that are only going to get bigger. We’d also look at the surrounding towns and villages where the growing population is also likely to be accommodated.

Manchester. Of all the northern cities Manchester stands out head and shoulders as the most economically successful, with a lot of economic potential for the future. In some ways ‘London in miniature’ Manchester is also one of the few regional cities that genuinely has that big city buzz as well. Apart from a few hotspots it’s also surprisingly good value too …. you can still buy in for not much more than £100,000.

If you’d like to know more you might find this Insider article useful: Manchester Property Market.

Solihull. Trains, planes and automobiles! It’s no exaggeration to say that Solihull is probably one of the best connected places not only in the Midlands but in the entire UK too. In our book that makes it a likely hotspot for business investment and relocation which can only stoke the already fairly warm housing market here.

York. Ranking highly for its quality of life York also benefits from being part of the wider Leeds City Region, without actually being Leeds itself. The most interesting investment fundamentals here are that York has a chronic housing shortage while still being fairly reasonably priced, making a sensible purchase here something of a rock solid investment.

Crawley. One time 1960’s new town that’s still expanding and one of the few places that could realistically accommodate some of the extra housing that’s desperately needed in the south east. Benefits economically from its proximity to London and Gatwick Airport too.

Slough. An odd choice maybe, as it makes those ‘top ten worst towns to live in’ surveys time and time again …. somewhat undeservedly so in our opinion. As well as accommodating London’s overspill, when (and if) Heathrow Airport expands this is where all the extra employment, industry and accommodation needed to support it is likely to be.

Hull. Another odd choice perhaps. Hull doesn’t have a great reputation but it’s actually a lot better than its image suggests. (The city centre wears its facelift well and it’s definitely not dhull! Try a visit and see!). There is economic light at the end of the tunnel and strong demand for rented property. It has the added advantage of being cheap, very cheap by UK standards, so very affordable for investors on a budget.

Here at Property Insider we hope you’ll find these Insider tip offs useful. As always when investing in property be sure to do your own research and take professional advice before investing in any location.
