A new partnership offers to make life much simpler for letting agents by enabling them to receive payments from tenants and settle up with landlords in a matter of seconds.
Apex27 is a fully featured, cloud based CRM platform for estate and letting agents. It has been designed with a fresh approach, to work the way agents work.
LettsPay is an advanced automated client accounting platform. LettsPay makes it easy for tenants to pay their rent and for agents to pay their landlords.
Settlement In Seconds A Reality With New Partnership
The new partnership means that agents using Apex27 can integrate directly with LettsPay. LettsPay notifies the agent via Apex27 instantly when rent is paid. All the agent needs to do is approve payment to the landlord. The whole process can take less than 60 seconds.
Apex27 CRM’s features for letting and estate agents include diary, lead tracking, reporting, brochure creation, social media and 50+ other valuable integrations all from a single, easy to use dashboard. Since launch Apex27 has signed over 800 accounts.
LettsPay fully automates the rent collection and reconciliation process. It is fast, secure and fully CMP compliant.

James Wright, Founder of Apex27 says: “Apex27 CRM is already designed to make letting agency easier, whether it is by speeding your workflow or simplifying marketing or maintenance. So we’re especially delighted to make Apex27 even better by partnering with the most advanced client accounting platform available LettsPay.
“Our new integration with LettsPay will make Apex27 even more powerful and offer even more time and efficiency savings. We know our users will love being able to receive and process rents and pay landlords in less than 60 seconds, freeing up more time in their day.”

Garrett Foxon, Founder of LettsPay says: “LettsPay is an advanced accounting and banking platform that uses the latest fintech to give each landlord within your agency their own designated account, whilst streamlining your client accounting processes. LettsPay is designed to make the lives of letting agents, landlords and tenants easier.
“The integration between LettsPay and Apex27 will deliver real and immediate benefits to letting agents who use it. They will be able to receive, reconcile and pay out rents faster than ever before.”
Kris Brown, Manager at Source Property who use the new tool says: “The integration has allowed us to save valuable hours and to concentrate on continuing to provide an excellent service to landlords and tenants alike.
“Both Apex27 and LettsPay have been on hand throughout to help with the onboarding.
“We have been hugely impressed by how much time it has saved already.”
More information about Apex27 is available from the Apex27 estate agent software website.
More information about LettsPay is available from the LettsPay website.