The thought of losing your home can be overwhelming; you might not feel capable of making the right decisions and reliable information might be hard to find in a hurry.

Property Sale Watchdog is committed to helping homeowners at risk of repossession to understand their position, the rights and what they might be able to do about it. Repossession is not an inevitable outcome and Property Sale Watchdog has created a guide to enable, empower and educate people about their options.

The Property Sale Watchdog Guide to Repossession has been tirelessly researched and represents the definitive guide on the subject of repossessions. Information and guidance included in the guide will help homeowners understand how they can stop the repossession of their home in a step-by-step process that sets out what they can do and who they can speak to. It makes it clear that there are options available and it clearly sets out the different parts to the repossession process to show what actions can be taken and when.

In addition to signposts to where you can find more information about repossessions, the guide offers concrete steps for those who are potentially facing a deeply traumatic experience. The guide takes you through the support on offer from debt charities and, maybe surprisingly, from lenders.

Rajul Chande, Founder of Property Sale Watchdog, said, “We are pleased to offer this resource to those who are under threat of repossession. It is a stressful time and there’s not always a lot of independent advice out there for people to understand what they can and can’t do. Our Guide is also designed to clearly set out the repossession process so that they could put measures in place that might help you address any issues earlier.”

The Guide, as with all guides on Property Sale Watchdog, are free and openly available for use.
