1.Potential for property prices to soften, and maybe even fall in some places – particularly London. Cheaper to invest in property than for some years.

2.Opportunity to pick up ‘fire sale’ property bargains from investors who can’t hack the more testing investment climate. Tip. Watch auctions for opportunities to ‘bag a bargain’.

3.Opportunity to borrow more cheaply and for longer as interest rates might be kept lower for longer than would otherwise have happened. Just as important – opportunity to refinance existing borrowing and reduce costs.

4.More demand for lettings, as people put off the decision to first time buy or move home for the time being.

Plus – there could possibly be good prospects for rent appreciation too. There could even be a shortage of rented accommodation in more places as fewer landlords enter the market, allowing increased rents and minimal voids.

5.Opportunities for good capital appreciation in the medium-long term (10-20 years perhaps) when the dust settles and the UK economy adjusts to a world outside the EU – which it will.

Of course, there are downsides too. It will become more important than ever for landlords to do their research and take expert advice, to buy and finance wisely and run their letting business efficiently – the days when anyone could buy to let anything and still make money are probably gone. But for the professional, well organised investor Brexit will certainly present opportunities as well as risks.

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