Southwark, Barbados

Portico’s property experts have picked 10 London property hotspots for now until 2021. They’ve highlighted the signs that show the area is on the up, and calculated the highest potential rental yield in each area.

Next on their tip list (but in no particular order) is Southwark:

Average 2 bedroom house price in Southwark*: £690,000

Average 2 bedroom rental price in Southwark*: £1,993 pcm

Highest potential rental yield in Southwark using the Portico Rental Yield Map*: 3.6%

Killer reason to invest here:

“Southwark has become an extremely attractive place to settle thanks to vast regeneration and development in the area. It has always been a hub for art and culture, offering the Tate Modern and Borough Market, but there has been a surge in new restaurants, nightlife and amenities as of late, which has only added to the area’s appeal.

“A huge number of businesses are now moving into this new extension of the City, where the rent is slightly lower than it is in prime central London. In addition to this, SE1 is easily accessible with Thameslink and central London is on the doorstep, so commuters can walk to work in the City.” Vatche Cherchian, Regional Director, Portico.

Guest post provided by Portico.

Disclaimers: Rental yields quoted here are statistical assessments taken from the Interactive Yield Map on 28/06/17. They are not guaranteed and may be lower if the property does not achieve continuous occupancy. House prices and rental prices according to Rightmove and Portico market data, accurate as of 28/06/17.

Those considering investing in the London property market should remember that house prices do not only go up, they also can fall. There is no guarantee that Portico’s property experts will be right in their hotspot predictions.
